Action 31 of the Taxi Regulation Review Report Published by the Government in January 2012, requires the installation of semi permanent signage on the doors of taxis and wheelchair accessible taxis.
From 1st January 2013, all taxis and wheelchiar accessible taxis, will be required to have the branding fitted for renewal, when changing a vehicle, or when applying for a new wheelchair accessible taxi licence. The signage type that can be installed is shown on the other side of this leaflet and can also be with TACSAI or TAXI.
It will be an offence to operate a taxi or wheelchair accessible taxi, without the correct signage in place after its next licensing transaction from 1st January 2013. This branding can only be fitted by Authorised suppliers licensed by the Authority. To use an Unauthorised supplier is an offence and your branding will be invalid.
We at Insignia Signs & Display Limited, are an authorised supplier who are open 6 days a week for your convenience and offer the best service / quality at the most competitive rates in Ireland. Call us, or drop into our head office in Harold's Cross for more information, or to arrange a booking.